Friday, May 27, 2016

Mary Kay Patting Puff

Mary Kay💋Patting Puff Device

💞Makeup & Skincare in 1 device 💞
Duo function to build flawless complexion 💞

Mary Kay Museum

Take a walk through the inspiring history of Mary Kay Ash. Visit the Mary Kay Museum located at the Mary Kay World ...

The Mary Kay Museum at our headquarters in Dallas tells the story of this rich history.
It's a tribute to the millions of women throughout the years who have embraced her vision, built its success and passed it on from generation to generation.

Mary Kay Ash, cared about people and had a gift for connecting with them.
When she founded this Company, she made sure it would be a company with heart - where P&L meant "People and Love." Mary Kay Inc. succeeded from the beginning. It resonated with women then, and, from decade to decade, it has remained relevant to their changing needs.

Hearts Together 愛心相連慈善唇膏

【Hearts Together 愛心相連慈善唇膏】

每售出一支慈善限量版「Hearts Together 愛心相連慈善唇膏」,公司將會捐出
RM 3 给 Hope Malaysia,傳承 Mary Kay Ash 女士的粉紅使命。


RM 3 will be channeled to Charitable Organization for every unit sold !

A simple purchase can be a powerful act if kindness 💕💕💕

Visit to Mary Kay Headquarter office at Dallas, US

This is Mary Kay Ash personal office.

Taking our picture here sitting on her chair at her desk holding her pen is a must when you come to

visit the Mary Kay Headquarters in Dallas. Love love love this picture!! ❤️

Mary Kay Botanical Effects Mask

Formula Mask 1號的

有甚麼好處呢?1號给很乾的肌膚使用!它可以温和去角质,還可以補充妳皮膚所需要的水份!因為肌膚乾燥的人用了這款面膜,脸颊红红的部分用了不會紅了!乾的皮膚額頭會顯出一些細紋 可以磨两下才沖洗,妳也可以把這個面膜塗在頸項,有助於保濕、滋潤、去角质!

 Formula Mask 2號是


 Formula Mask 3號面膜
